Teeth Whitening

Your Calgary Choice for Teeth Whitening

We are committed to helping patients look and feel their very best, by helping them achieve a whiter brighter smile. We know your smile is important to you. We all start off with white teeth. Unfortunately, things like poor dental hygiene, coffee, tea, cola, red wine, and smoking can cause discolouration and staining. With our in-office and take-home teeth whitening options, we can help you achieve a whiter, brighter smile.

Calgary Teeth Whitening Prosthodontics | Key Prosthodontic | Calgary AB
Teeth Whitening | Key Prosthodontics | Prosthodontics Specialist SW Calgary

What is Teeth Whitening?

Teeth whitening (or bleaching) is a simple, non-invasive procedure used to change the colour of natural tooth enamel and enhance the beauty of your smile. Our professional in-office teeth whitening is performed by your dental specialist at our clinic and usually takes about 60 minutes to complete. This simple and effective procedure involves the application of a whitening gel to your teeth, and then exposure to a special LED light that works to break up discolouration.

What are the benefits of Teeth Whitening?

  • Booths self confidence
  • Younger looking appearance
  • Helps make a positive first impression
  • Can correct yellow, brown, and spotted discolouration
  • Quick results
  • Safe and effective procedure
  • Low sensitivity
  • More powerful whitening agent than store-bought options
  • Long lasting
  • Performed by a dental specialist (in-office) or provided to you by one (take-home)
What Are the Benefirts of Teeth Whitening | Key Prosthodontics | SW Calgary AB
What Caused Stains & Discolouration | key Prosthodontics | SW Calgary AB

What Causes Stains and Discolouration?

  • Tooth decay
  • Poor oral hygiene
  • Trauma to teeth
  • Drinking coffee, tea, cola, and red wine
  • Smoking
  • Eating acidic foods
  • Fluorosis (excessive fluoridation during tooth development)
  • Normal wear of outer tooth layer

We are here to help you improve the whiteness and brightness of your smile, to help you increase your self-confidence and achieve a youthful, healthy and beautiful smile

We are committed to helping you on the road to a whiter, brighter smile. If you think our professional teeth whitening might be the answer to the smile you desire, call us today to set up an appointment.

We look forward to hearing from you soon.
Call us at (403) 228-9989 to set up a Teeth Whitening appointment today!

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